Dear Parish & Town Councils,
Further to my email below, we need to continue with the extended SLA we have in place for general enquiries and temporary pause of non-essential activities until the end of April. Our response to reported safety issues has not changed.
After one of the wettest February’s on record, March did not improve and in some areas, we saw 3 times the rain we normally expect . (See rainfall figures for the month below).
This has meant that we continue to see formation and worsening of potholes and enquiry volumes are exceptionally high. Our focus must therefore remain on safety issues for the time being.
I am pleased to say that the Jet Patchers have now started again and this is helping us tackle the backlog of work in the system. We continue to seek additional gangs to provide more resource. As you will appreciate, with all local authorities experiencing the same issues, securing additional resources is very difficult.
We continue to focus on quality ‘sawn’ repairs. Although these repairs take longer, they should last longer. Inevitably, with the amount of water we have on the network some repairs may fail. We do have a patching programme which will pick up on some of these problem areas and also the Highways, Transport and Planning Delivery Programme will be published on the website next week so details of our larger planned surfacing schemes will be available.
Thank you for your support during this time.