Christmas Quiz 2024 Answers
Thank you all those who sent in entries! There were 16 who got it all right, and Clive Sexton won that draw. Mike Green won the all-comers draw.
1 The Brotherhood of Man
2 The man on the Clapham omnibus
3 Men are from Mars, women are from Venus
4 The Railway Children
5 Woman’s Hour
6 The man in the moon
7 Two fat ladies
8 The Elephant Man
9 Granny Smith
10 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
11 Seven Sisters
12 Mum’s the word
13 Billy the Kid
14 The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
15 Don’t teach your granny to suck eggs
16 The Boys from Brazil
17 Wednesday’s child is full of woe
18 The boy who cried wolf
19 Men at work
20 Babes in the Wood
21 Big Brother is watching you
22 The Invisible Man
23 Three Men in a Boat
24 Three Wise Men
25 The Girl who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest
26 My father was a toolmaker
27 Oh my giddy aunt
28 The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
29 Women and children first
30 My Granny/Grandpa is a Pirate
31 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
32 Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater
33 A Man called Horse
34 Old Father Time
35 The Girl who Played with Fire
36 Great Uncle Bulgaria
37 Robin Cousins
38 The Man with the Golden Gun
39 The boys in blue
40 Twelve Angry Men
41 Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
42 The Woman in Black
43 Our Father who art in heaven
44 Dad’s Army
45 You stupid boy
46 The Little Drummer Girl
47 The Man in the Iron Mask
48 Old Mother Hubbard
49 Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
50 The Man who Broke the Bank in (at) Monte Casino
51 No woman no cry
52 The Wife of Bath
53 Our Man in Havana
54 It’s not over until the fat lady sings
55 The Time Traveller’s Wife
56 The Girl in the Spider’s Web
57 Third (Twelfth) man
58 Son of a gun
59 The Merry Wives of Windsor
60 Portuguese man of war
61 The Magician’s Nephew