Council and Committees
The civic parish of West Grinstead consist of two electoral wards: Dial Post and everthing else! The Parish Council is allowed to have up to 13 parish councillors sitting on the Council, at least one of whom must represent the interests of the Dial Post ward.
Elections for parish councillors take place every 4 years, the next elections are in May 2027. If a parish councillor resigns mid-term, then another councillor can either be co-opted onto the Council or, if enough residents request it, there can be a by-election to fill the vacancy.
There are currently two vacancies for a councillor. See latest Notice of Vacancy dated 26 September 2024 here
The quorum for full Council meetings is at least one-third of the membership.
Full Council
(The quorum for the Parish Council meeting is a third of Councillors.)
Justin Reynolds (Chair), Nick Hare (Vice Chair), Dave Calvert, Jonathan Chowen, David Green, Suzi Hamblin-Boone, Nick Hirst, Peter Lord, Tony Martin, Rachel Richards, Tony Yeowell.
(The quorum for committees is at least half the membership)
David Green (Chair), Nick Hirst (Vice Chair), Suzie Hamblin-Boone, Nick Hare, Jonathan Chowen, Tony Martin, Jack Masters, Justin Reynolds, Rachel Richards, Tony Yeowell.
Planning Committee Terms of Reference
Dave Calvert (Chair), Nick Hare (Vice Chair), David Green, Suzi Hamblin-Boone, Nick Hirst, Peter Lord, Tony Martin, Justin Reynolds, Rachel Richards, Tony Yeowell.
Finance Committee Terms of Reference
Open Spaces
Nick Hare (Chair), Justin Reynolds (Vice Chair), Dave Calvert, David Green, Suzi Hamblin-Boone, Nick Hirst, Tony Martin, Rachel Richards, Tony Yeowell.
Open Spaces Committee Terms of Reference
HR Committee
Justin Reynolds (Chair), Tony Martin, Nick Hare
Neighbourhood Plan Working Group PC Members
David Green, Tony Martin.
Partridge Green New Village Hall Sub Committee
Jonathan Chowen, David Green, Nick Hirst, Tony Martin, Justin Reynolds (Joint Chair).
Village Hall Trustees: Peter Johnstone (Joint Chair); Brian Walton.
PGVH Sub Committee Terms of Reference